January chicken done – the hen on the left was my trial block.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Orca Bay – Done
I finished this the about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I never seem to make time to post. Here it is, another Bonnie Hunter Mystery.
I was planning to work on Jamestown Landing next – but now I’m working on last years mystery Roll, Roll Cotton Boll. I will try to post that a little quicker.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
New Year Weekend 2012
We did get some small projects done, and just spent some quality family time. Jacki and I all of her grading caught up, and recorded.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Orca Bay – a Bonnie Hunter Mystery
I am getting there….
It was messy, but the center is done! And the pieced borders are almost done.
I bet that inner board is going to include some ripping before I’m done. Want to lay odds?
Oh, and the I Spy top is ready for quilting. Yah!
Sorry for the fuzzy camera, I think the camera batteries are fading fast. Need to go plug them in.
I’m back, for awhile anyway….
First John and I went to Florida the week before Christmas. I do NOT think I will be doing that again anytime soon.
We were there for 4 days for Tony. We moved him out.
And watch him graduate. Thanks too to Johna and Aunt Jo :)