Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gail's Pecan Sandies - YUM

This was cooking Saturday - Bagels, Bread, Stuffed Sells, Candy, Cookies and cookie dough for tomorrow.

Here are the Saturday Cookies -

Note to self - a pretty pweeny batch, make 2 if this is all your cooking. But with everything else - more than enough.
Mix the dough and roll into small balls - after cooking these cookies should NOT be browned.

Once the cookies are completely cool - roll each in powdered sugar. They are REALLY good.Pecan Sandies
1 cup soften Butter
1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
1 t vanilla
2 1/4 cup flour
1/4 t salt
3/4 cup finely chopped nuts

-Beat butter, sugar and vanilla
-Add flour and nuts
-Mix well (use the warmth of your hands to mix if the dough is dry)
-Bake 8 to 10 min, bottoms will begain to brown
- cool on rake completely and roll in powder sugar

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